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    Welcome to the Nursery Class Page!

    We will upload important information on this page throughout the year so please keep checking it regularly to keep up to date with what is happening in our class. 

    The Nursery Team

    • Mrs Wallace - Nursery Teacher
    • Mrs Billbrough - Nursery Nurse
    • Miss Lynch - HLTA (teaching on Tuesday mornings and on Fridays)
    • Miss Jackson - Phase Leader for Nursery and Reception

    If you need to contact the staff, you can call the school office on 01132639216 or email [email protected]

    Focused week - Outdoor Adventure Week.

    This week we learnt all about a man called Bear Grylls who is famous for being an explorer and has great survival skills. We found out that he climbed the biggest mountain in the world, Mount Everest when he was only 23 years old. We had our own try at climbing our 'mountain' climbing frame using ropes and we wrote post cards. We also worked together to build a shelter using sheets, ropes and pegs.

    Planting - we read the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and we planted our own beans. We talked about how we look after plants and what they need to grow. We are now waiting patiently for them to grow!

    Caterpillars - we have caterpillars in Nursery! We have been watching them grow over the last 2 weeks and now they have made their cocoons and are ready to be moved into the net where we will watch them come out as butterflies!

    Butterflies! We finally have our butterflies! We watched with fascination as they came out of their cocoons.

    Summer 1, Week 1 -In the Garden. We all went on a mini beast and flower hunt around our school grounds. We used our senses to find different flowers, plants and trees, as well as insects.

    Easter - we enjoyed making Easter bunnies using paper plates.

    7th March World Book Day - we enjoyed coming to Nursery wearing our pyjamas! We listened to lots of stories and drew some pictures from them.

    Spring 2 - Shapes are Everywhere. We have been learning all about shapes.

    We went on a shape hunt in our classroom, made shapes in the playdough and also painted with shape printers. We read the story 'Not a Box' and used our imaginations to turn a box into some wonderful creations!

    Not a Box - we used our imaginations and made a box into something we liked. We had rockets, cars, hamster play gyms and many more ideas!

    Focused Week - February 2024.

    We enjoyed the book 'Have you filled a Bucket Today?' and we talked a lot about being kind to one another to make each other happy and fill up our buckets. We drew pictures of ourselves with big smiles on our faces, and we painted flowers that bring happiness. The children also sang some Nursery Rhymes which make us feel happy.

    Maths - We have been learning the number 2. We found different objects in Nursery and counted 2 of them. We also counted 2 claps, jumps and stamps.

    Spring 1 -Week 1. We have had a super first week back in Nursery! All the children have enjoyed being back seeing their friends and playing together.

    Christmas Fun! We have all enjoyed celebrating and getting ready for Christmas! We decorated our Christmas tree, had a party and played party games.

    Nativity 2023 -Nursery and Reception were amazing in their performance of the Christmas story. A huge thank you to everyone who came and watched. Well done everyone!

    Meet the Teacher - If you couldn't attend the meeting with Mrs Wallace then please read the presentation to find out lots of information about our Nursery.

    Let's Celebrate - Birthdays! This week we have enjoyed learning about traditions for celebrating birthdays.

    We read the story Kipper's Birthday and had a party for him. We used our counting skills to count out the correct number of plates and bowls. We made cakes in the playdough and counted out the correct number of candles. We also made our own party hats, birthday cards and decorations.

    Arts Focus Week - The Nursery children all enjoyed joining in some ballet dancing and creating their own art work, we also sang a song collaboratively with Reception. We enjoyed inviting our families in to see what we had been learning. Thank you for coming!

    This week in Nursery we have been very creative. We have made collages of our faces choosing what materials to use for our different features. We have also explored painting an Autumn tree using our hands, fingers, paint brushes and corks.

    Autumnal Walk - we had a walk around our school grounds looking out for signs of Autumn. We found some brown and yellow leaves, some berries and also lots of twigs. We have taken some back to our classroom for our Autumn display.

    Week 1 - We have had lots of fun in our first week in Nursery! We have made new friends and have enjoyed playing in the different areas -especially on our new climbing frame!


    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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