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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page!

We will upload important information on this page throughout the year so please keep checking it regularly to keep up to date with what is happening in our class. 

The Year 4 Team

  • Mr Firmedow- Year 4 Teacher
  • Miss Morrison - Teaching Assistant
  • Miss Lynch- HLTA (teaching on Mondays)
  • Mrs Senior - Additional support and interventions
  • Miss Wright- Phase Leader for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

If you need to contact the staff, you can call the school office on 01132639216 or email [email protected]

If you would like to know about the swimming lessons, please watch this video:

Swimming Lessons Youtube Video

Our Gallery

Year 4 Class Text Door Display - Swimming Against The Storm

Maths - Spring

In maths this term we have begun to look at length and perimeter. We started by looking at converting between meters and kilometres and how to apply these lengths to real world measurements. Then we looked at perimeter and how to measure the perimeter of different shapes on a grid or using the length of the sides of a shape. Below are some examples of the work we have been doing in class.


In writing we have been working towards completing a story based on our class text “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” we have focussed on including expanded noun phrases with interesting adjectives to make our work sound exciting. Using fronted adverbials and prepositional phrases to help create an image in the readers head and using conjunctions to make sure we include lots of detail in our writing.


In science we have been looking at sound. We have already looked at some sound experiments such as creating vibrations with a tuning fork in water, changing our voices with tubes and watching rice move on the surface of a drum. We also planned and carried out an experiment with cup phones to talk to our peers from far away, below you can see the plans we completed for this experiment.


In Design & Technology our topic focus has been structures. We have been building bridges using Ice Lolly sticks and hot glue. We tested different methods of joining the bridge such as masking tape, blu tac, glue sticks, string and rubber bands. When the bridges are completed we will be painting and testing them to make sure they are strong and can hold weight like a real bridge. Below you can see pictures of our class testing the different ways of joining the sticks together.


in writing we began looking at Cinquain Poetry. They are a short poem style consisting of 5 lines. In year 4 we really enjoyed immersing ourselves in the focus of autumn, thinking about what things happen in autumn and going outside to find objects that relate to autumn such as conkers, fallen leaves and helicopter seeds. Below are some poems we wrote about some autumn events like Halloween, Bonfire Night and Harvest Festival!


Last half term we completed our topic on bridges and finished constructing our bridge structures. We decided to build Truss Bridges which use triangle shapes to keep them strong and supported. At the end of the topic we painted our finished bridges to look like real world examples.


in History this term we are looking at The Romans and how they have influenced Britain. We have looked at the changes the Romans made to Britain after they first invaded in 55bc such as building roads, aqueducts, towns and cities, and drainage. We also discussed whether the Romans had a positive or a negative impact on Britain. We looked at the story of Boudicca, a Celtic tribal queen who rebelled against the invading romans, below is a timeline of events from Boudicca story.

Focus Week

In our Focus Week for Autumn 1 we looked at the Arts, we spent some time learning a song with year 1 which we performed in assembly together. We learnt some HipHop dancing with HipHop Phil who came in and talked to us all about HipHop culture. And we completed some Artwork which portrayed a reflection of ourselves. Our artwork was a collage self portrait using newspaper.


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